Ali Jaffar Zia

Social Media is Becoming Less ‘Social’ and More ‘Media’

When used to compare oneself to others, social media makes us less sociable, which raises the likelihood of loneliness and lowers well-being among regular users.

When used to compare oneself to others, social media makes us less friendly, which raises the likelihood of loneliness and lowers well-being among regular users. By being utilized to interact with others, it may be social.
We are becoming less social in a time when social media is making us more connected daily.

Why bother with the hassle of meeting together when you can easily catch up online?

Technology has significantly changed the nature of human communication in the past ten years.
Some claim that since we are always linked and speaking with several people at once, we are “hyper-social.” Others might argue that we have lost our social skills and have become “anti-social,” hooked to our electronics.

Which is it, then?

The younger generation is glued to their mobile phones, which has long been a widely held suspicion.

Is social media making us less social?

According to a recent poll, millennials are becoming less friendly in real life as they spend more time on social media platforms—Eighty-sevenAccording to research by the photo-sharing app Flashgap, which has more than 150,000 members. A percent of millennials confessed to missing a conversation because they were preoccupied with their phone. Fifty-four percent of respondents said they would lose out if they didn’t check social media.
A survey of over 3,000 people showed that women are often the guilty party when using social media in public. When out with friends, 76 percent of women, compared to 54 percent of men, check social media sites at least ten times each, according to the survey.

Snapchat, Tinder, Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram were the most often cited applications among millennials in social situations.

According to research, individuals spend too much time on social media when they are out and about at events, which may prevent them from interacting with others. According to him, “people skip parties because they want to snap gorgeous selfies, apply filters to their photos, and monitor what’s happening on social networks.


When alcohol is used, regrets the following day are more problematic. According to the poll, 71% of users think it was a mistake to upload a photo on a social network after having more than three drinks.


The results of FlashGap are consistent with those of a related study done in 2014, which found that mobile phones were progressively eroding the value of interpersonal contacts. The widely read Virginia Tech University paper said that “the availability of mobile technology has the potential to distract people from face-to-face encounters, compromising the nature and depth of these ties.”

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There is increasing concern that using mobile devices may increase people’s interest in their online lives and decrease their interest in one another.
FlashGap is entering a competitive market where any major firm fighting for millennials’ attention already has an advantage. The software was first released in France and secured $1.5 million in venture investment to expand to the United States.

According to some estimates, the dominance of Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and Snapchat is valued at $16 billion. This raises concerns about how simple it could be for new competitors to enter the market.

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We may become less lonely and more pleasant by connecting with people on social media.

Unfortunately, we are becoming more isolated as social media usage rises.

This pattern shows that, by comparing ourselves to others, we may need to utilize social media more friendly manner. Additionally, we could be abandoning face-to-face communication in favor of social media ease. Both of these elements raise the possibility of social isolation.

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