marketing department

Building A High Performance Marketing Department

In today’s competitive business world, having a really good marketing department is really important for companies that want to keep growing and stay ahead. High-performing marketing teams get things done quickly, can change plans easily, are really creative, get a lot of work done, work well with the sales team, and keep team members for longer. Plus, they enjoy what they do.

Companies that make it a priority to have a really good marketing team can easily handle tough times in business. So, if your business has been having a hard time because of the slowdown caused by the pandemic, that’s a big problem. It means that your marketing team isn’t able to come up with plans to make the business grow when the market keeps changing. Because of this, your business is at risk of having money problems when the economy gets bad, and that puts the whole business in danger.

With the way, people are changing how they buy things and relying more on online shopping, having good marketing people is really important for a business to do well. In fact, companies like New York & Co. and Sur La Table went out of business because their marketing plans weren’t good enough. That’s why it’s really important to plan carefully, hire the right people, have good leaders, and always try to get better.

This article talks about the important things you need to do to make a really good marketing department. It gives practical advice that businesses can use to make their marketing work better.


Tips For Building A High-Performance Good Marketing Department

  • The Power of Diversity in Building an Effective Marketing Team

There are a lot of good things about having a diverse workplace. Did you know that companies with diverse leaders make about 19% more money than those with leaders who are not diverse? Also, teams that are diverse can solve problems better and faster than teams where everyone thinks the same. So, it’s really important to make sure your marketing team is diverse and fair right from the start.

Elana Chan, who is in charge of marketing partnerships for small and medium-sized businesses at Google, says that the most important part of being a leader is hiring people. This includes thinking about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Even though it might be easy to only look for candidates from our own circle of friends when we have job openings, it’s really important to have a diverse group of people. Lots of studies, including my own experience, have shown that having different kinds of people and different perspectives is really important.

When you’re putting together your team, it’s really important to make sure you think about diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) when you’re looking for new people. That means writing job ads that make everyone feel welcome, telling people about the jobs in lots of different places, and having a fair way of doing interviews. To make sure that no one gets treated unfairly during interviews because of unconscious biases, you could use special tools like Greenhouse Inclusion that can help reduce those risks.

  • Assessing the Strengths and Areas for Improvement in Your Marketing Team

If your marketing team isn’t doing as well as you hoped, the first thing you should do is look at what they’re good at and what they’re not so good at. You can do this by yourself or get help from people who know a lot about marketing and making strategies for products. If you decide to do it yourself, here are some tips that can help you figure out what needs to get better:

  1. Use special software to see how well each person on your marketing team is doing.
  2. Figure out which skills are really important right now and see if your marketing team needs to improve in any of those areas.
  3. Learn more about your team members by looking at how they talk to each other on the messaging system you use for your team.

By looking closely at what your team is good at and what they need to get better at, you can see where you need to make changes and do things to help your good marketing department team work better.


  1. Recruit Driven and Motivated Marketing Professionals for Optimal Performance

Adding people to your marketing team who are really driven and want to do a good job can bring a lot of good things to your company, such as:

  1. Results-Oriented: People who are really focused on doing well and want to achieve and beat goals are the kinds of people who can help your good marketing department team be better. They work hard and really want to succeed, which can make the team get more done and do really well. Plus, because they’re so motivated, they don’t need someone always watching over them and telling them what to do.
  2. Continuous Improvement: These people are always trying to get better at what they do and come up with new and good ideas. They’re always looking for ways to do things better and faster, which can help the company stay ahead of other companies in the same business.
  3. Resilience: People who are really focused on doing well see mistakes and failures as chances to learn and get better. When something goes wrong, they bounce back quickly and find new ways to solve problems. They have a mindset that can handle tough situations, which is really important for a strong team of people working together.
  4. Strong Work Ethic: These people are ready to work really hard to reach their goals. They take on difficult tasks and are not scared to work for a long time, which helps the company get things done faster. They know that the work they do affects what people think about them, so they always try to do their best.
  5. Passionate: People who are really focused on doing well love what they do. They work hard because they feel like they have a reason and they want to make a real difference for the company and the people it serves. Their excitement keeps them going, and the things they achieve are the best part for them.

To sum up, bringing in people who are really focused on doing well in marketing can help create a team that’s motivated, gets a lot done, and comes up with new and good ideas to make the company grow. It might be hard to find these people, but if you follow the tips I mentioned earlier, you have a better chance of finding them. Just remember, if you want to get the best people, you’ll need to offer them good pay and benefits.

For instance, if your good marketing department team knows that YouTube can help you reach more people and get more potential customers, think about hiring someone who knows how to make really good videos. Look for someone who is excited to learn new things and try out new ideas. It’s important to hire people who have the right skills for the job you need them to do in order to be successful.


  1. Recruit a Marketing Customer Experience (CX) Leader to Elevate Your Team

John Cosley, who is a Senior Director of Global Brand Marketing at Microsoft Advertising, talks about the changing needs when hiring for marketing teams. In the past, the first person hired was often a marketing data scientist who knows a lot about analyzing data and making strategies based on it. But based on Cosley’s experience in marketing, he now believes that the most important first hire for growing a marketing team is someone who focuses on improving the customer experience (CX). Let’s look at the things he has learned:

With more and more people using digital platforms and expecting personalized and high-quality experiences, it’s important to have someone leading the way in marketing who focuses on customer experience (CX). This person’s main job is to make sure that customers’ needs are taken care of and that they have a positive experience with the brand. This is really important for building customer loyalty and making the brand more valuable.

Cosley emphasizes the importance of focusing on the customer experience at every step of the buying process. When businesses prioritize their customer’s needs, it increases the chances of customers valuing and appreciating the brand in return. Ultimately, customer satisfaction and how customers feel about their interactions with the brand play a important role in determining the success and long-term viability of a business.


  1. Initiate Early Recruitments for Effective Team Scaling

When it comes to growing your team, hiring can be compared to building an airplane while it’s already flying – it’s a complex and difficult task. Bringing new team members on board and ensuring they perform well without negatively impacting the customer experience can be a bit chaotic. To address these challenges directly, it’s important to plan ahead and start recruiting for specific positions well ahead of time.

Francois Bondiguel, who leads Canva’s B2B Marketing & Growth globally, highlights the importance of setting up the right organizational structure and strategy as you grow. This includes hiring the right people and ensuring they receive guidance from experienced leaders who can guide them through the changes and overcome any challenges that come up along the way.

To make this happen, it’s important to bring in key hires early on, giving them enough time to adjust to their roles before starting major projects. This way, new team members and the team as a whole won’t feel overwhelmed. To implement this strategy successfully, take a long-term view, evaluate your team’s goals, and determine the specific position(s) that need to be filled to drive your team towards greater success.