Ali Jaffar Zia

Facebook Ad Tips for the Holiday Season

Here are 10 Facebook Ad Tips for the Holiday Season

Here are 10 Facebook Ad Tips for the Holiday Season – For many marketers and company owners, the Christmas season is a critical period. Digital marketers resort to Facebook Ads to increase their holiday profit due to the vast potential sales volume and strong purchase intent social media offers. Holiday Facebook advertising might be challenging. The market might become oversaturated with marketers, which can sometimes drive up the cost of advertising. Consumer behaviour might be challenging in other situations.

The good news is that many marketers use Facebook Ads effectively throughout Christmas. I contacted some of the leading Facebook and PPC professionals in the field to get their best advice on using Facebook ads for Christmas marketing to optimize your results.

The following 10 Facebook ad tips are the crux of my discussions with multiple marketers.

Plan out your campaigns beforehand

Planning your PPC advertising should always come first as the holidays get closer.

According to Paul Fairbrother, Facebook and Instagram ad specialist at AdEspresso, you shouldn’t only plan out your Facebook holiday ads—you also need to have them locked and loaded into the system. Fairbrother said that while Facebook often accepts and posts each ad in minutes, “approval delays may be much lengthier throughout the Christmas season.” Therefore, develop and schedule your advertising a few days in advance for time-sensitive campaigns like seasonal specials to minimize delays.

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Take advantage of the fact that you have plenty of time to schedule your adverts. You can quickly turn off the commercials if you decide against them before they even start.

In short, be time sensitive and start early. The campaign may take time to load fully.

Examine your Ad Account Capabilities Early in the Season

In addition, Fairbrother offered additional insightful preparation advice that he advises all of his coaching clients at the AdEspresso Academy to implement: Understand the restrictions on your account. To make sure you never exceed a specified cash amount, you may establish account spending restrictions on your advertising account. While it may help you keep under your budget, it often happens that marketers will go out of their way to spend more money over the holidays only to find that the ad restrictions have prevented them from doing so. Examine your ad account limits and billing sources in the Business Manager to guarantee that your advertisements run constantly and are not throttled by spending constraints.

You may modify your “Account Spending Limit” in the “Payment Settings” section of the Ad Manager or Business Manager.

Here are 10 Facebook Ad Tips for the Holiday Season

Make Savings Your Main Goal

Do you need to generate a lot of revenue quickly? Maurice Rahmey, the co-founder of Disruptive Digital, said, “You’ve spent the previous several months raising awareness for your product or service.” “Now is the time to concentrate on the sale since most customers that convert during this sales period are familiar with your brand.” When interacting with a retargeted audience, positioning discounts or promotions as the primary focus—instead of necessarily the product—can be a successful tactic.

Utilize retargeting, spending a sizeable portion of your marketing budget appropriately, to convert warm leads and boost sales by putting the main emphasis of your ad campaigns on promotions like discounts, free shipping offers, or freebies (even more so than the product themselves).

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Make Your Ads Simple

I recommend that businesses keep their advertisements as straightforward as possible to make the promos stand out.

Even as the Christmas season draws to a close, there is still an opportunity to improve your efforts. The most potent pictures are sometimes the simplest ones, like a close-up of a product or a single advantage that stands out. “Use a static graphic with the promo front and center in the case of holiday marketing so customers can readily notice and register the offer.” And remember that although your advertisements might be straightforward, split-testing several graphics is still a good idea (ideally, if possible, multiple offers).

Put Guaranteed Delivery Times First

Put Guaranteed Delivery Times First

Nothing can concentrate individuals on urgencies like a holiday approaching and a deadline for gift-giving. It all comes down to whether or not the things will arrive in time, with so many customers delaying holiday-related purchases (whether it’s a roaster for that Christmas ham or a present for their loved one). Highlighting this in your advertisements is a fantastic idea.

In December, the emphasis on eCommerce changed from providing discounts to ensuring that orders arrive in time for the holidays. Consider providing a free expedited delivery voucher, and it also helps to include present wrapping alternatives.

Take iOS challenges into account.

Regarding Facebook Ads over the holidays, one of the main difficulties marketers are now having isn’t even linked to the holidays: IOS 14.5 and the chaos it’s brought for business.

It complicates Christmas marketing since marketers undertake large-scale campaigns.

Jonathan Tanner, co-CEO of Social Media College, said that it is crucial to understand how iOS 14.5 may affect your efforts and that there may be a reporting delay. Additionally, you should be aware that it can reduce the dependability of a conventional site- or app-based remarketing strategy based on mobile visitors.

The best remedy is to closely monitor your campaigns and use the Facebook Conversions API to measure conversions. This may significantly increase the remarketing potential, giving you a higher chance of running successful (and better-reported) holiday ads.

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Discard Recent Purchasers

It may be tempting to get laser-focused on acquiring new clients and eventually winning over warm audiences during Christmas. However, you need also to be aware of possible damage control from current clients.

Austin LeClear, the co-founder of GrowMyAds, says, “don’t forget to exclude recent customers of the things you’re providing promotions on.” “Seeing a product you bought a few days or weeks ago suddenly on sale for half the price is the worst possible situation.

“Make sure recent purchases aren’t included in your marketing campaigns, so they don’t see the promotional advertising,” he advised.

An angry client is the last thing you need. Or a customer who sees the advertisement and buys something to return the original item and get a discount at your cost.

Use Content-Driven Ads to Combat Exorbitant Prices

There is no doubt that there is fierce competition in the industry and that the cost of holiday advertisements may be high. But using a content-first strategy in at least some of your advertising and monitoring how your audience reacts is one of the most significant ways to stand apart.

Sarah Sal, a copywriter renowned for her very high-converting long-form advertisements, provided the following advice:

“A well-written, information-rich instructional ad copy may be reused in email and Facebook ads.”

Check out lengthier blogs focusing on storytelling and teaching to evaluate whether they are appropriate for Christmas. After all, you won’t know unless you give it a go, and if they don’t convert like the others, you can always pause them.

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Maintain Your Energy After Christmas

It’s vital to remember that post-Christmas is still a high-value sales time, even if Christmas is often the major deadline that most marketers concentrate on, throwing out as much marketing expenditure as possible. Paul Fairbrother’s last advice to us was to don’t let your ad campaigns fall after Q4 since January is a terrific time to run advertising.

January is often among the top months for internet sales. Facebook users know how much money they have left over from the holidays to spend on themselves in January when ad prices are often much lower. In other words, focus on the goal—sales, which may continue to flow even a little beyond the holidays. Just remember to update any holiday-related graphics or text that include a Christmas tree or allude to the imminent exchange of gifts.

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B2B Brands Should Exercise Care

For many businesses, the holidays are a high-powder sales juggernaut. For B2B businesses, however, this isn’t always the case, especially once December arrives.

The Christmas season and how it affects your marketing plan should be kept in mind, said Stephanie Danckert, Social Advertising Manager at Semrush. For many businesses, the fiscal year is concluding, and many virtually shut down before or after the holiday. If you work in B2B advertising, you should be sure to reduce spending and refrain from conducting testing or launching new products at that time. She emphasized that the time shouldn’t be squandered, even if she doesn’t advise making major purchases until the following year or releasing new items over the holiday when many employees are likely to be on vacation.

“Now is the ideal time to complete your Q1 plans so that you may get off to a great start in January. Make sure you know what to market to prepare the materials for launch right after the holidays.

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There will be many possibilities for advertising to use these suggestions once the Christmas season arrives. Since there are so many potential sales at stake, it is worthwhile to test every one of these tactics and Facebook Ad holiday marketing advice, mainly since they have all been successful for some of the best and most seasoned professionals in the industry. As each company is unique, test thoroughly and be prepared to optimize the advertisements that are effective by allocating more of your advertising budget to high ROAS and high-converting campaigns. At this time of year, it will take more cautious handling, but it is well worthwhile.

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