stock market

Investing in the US Stocks Market- Here are 5 Things You Need to Know

News on TV, movies from Hollywood, and shows on TV often think you know how the stock market works. Actually, managing your money well and putting it into different investments might seem simple, but being successful as an investor can be really hard. Many people believe that if you know how to play the stock market right, you can make a lot of money. But new investors often don’t understand how the stock market really works and what makes stock prices go up and down. To start learning about investing, it’s important to understand the basic things about the stock market:


Key Insights

A stock market is a big place where you can buy and sell parts of companies that people can own. While it’s important to make good choices about where to put your money, it’s also smart to have different kinds of investments over a long time. The goal of investing is to slowly make more money in the long run, so it’s better to avoid quick decisions and focus on putting money in regularly.


Defining The Stock Market

The stock market, sometimes called equities, is a place where you can buy a part of a company. This part is called a stock. When you own stocks, you have a bit of power in how the company does things. If you own a lot of stocks, you can have a bigger say. This market has many stocks that people can buy and sell on different platforms.


Origins Of Stocks

Companies that anyone can invest in sell stocks to get money for their business. People who think the company will do well buy these stocks. If the company does well, the people who own the stocks can get some of the profit, which is called dividends. Also, the value of the stocks can go up. But if the company doesn’t do well, the stocks might lose value or not be worth anything at all.


The Stock Market As An Aftermarket

The stock market is like a second-hand store where people who already own stocks can sell them to other people who want to buy them. This buying and selling happens on places called stock exchanges, like the New York Stock Exchange or the Nasdaq. In the past, people used to meet in person on the exchange floor to trade stocks. But now, most of the trading happens online using computers.


Interpreting Market Performance

When news says “the market went up today,” they usually mean how well big groups of stocks did, like the Standard & Poor’s 500 or the Dow Jones Industrial Average. The S&P 500 looks at about 500 important U.S. companies that anyone can invest in, while the Dow has 30 really big companies. These groups of stocks show if the stock market, in general, is doing well or not, which helps us know how stocks are doing each day and over a long time.


Beginner’s Guide: 5 Tips For Investing In The Stock Market

The Liberalized Remittance Scheme (Lrs): Your Gateway To Investing In The US Stock Market

You can easily look into the US stock market by using the Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) Liberalized Remittance Scheme (LRS). This plan lets people in India send up to $250,000 out of the country every year. This applies to each person, even kids. This means a family with four members can send up to $1 million in one year. This money can be used for different things, like buying things in the US, investing in American companies, buying property there, and putting money in US banks. It also covers things like paying for trips abroad and education for students studying outside of India.

  • Diversify Geographically For Stability And Growth

Spreading your investments across different parts of the world can make your money more secure. Over a long time, the stock markets in countries that are already well-developed are usually less up-and-down than markets in countries that are still growing. When you invest in the US stock market, you become a part of the world’s growth story. For example, if you invest in Alibaba, a big company in China, you can benefit from China’s economy growing. Looking at US-based ETFs is also a good idea because they help you be part of bigger economies. For instance, the EWG ETF on the NYSE has investments in major companies in Germany.

Investing in the US stock market lets you be a part of new and growing ideas that you might not find easily in India. In India, there aren’t big companies that make computer chips or electric cars, but you can invest in companies like Nvidia or Tesla in the US to add these ideas to your investments.

  • Navigating The Exchange Rate Dynamic

When you put your money into the US market, you need to carefully think about how the value of money can change. In recent times, the value of the Indian Rupee has gone down compared to the US Dollar, usually around 3 to 5 percent. So, when you invest in the US, you’re kind of investing in the US Dollar too, and that can make your investments go up or down depending on how the value of the dollar changes. If the US Dollar becomes worth more, your investments can become more valuable. But if it becomes worth less, the opposite happens. Also, when you move your money to invest in the US, keep an eye out for any extra fees or costs from your Indian bank because they might take around 0.5 to 2 percent of the money.

  • Unraveling Taxation Complexities

Understanding how taxes work when you invest in another country is really important for making smart choices. The Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) between India and the US helps prevent you from being taxed twice on the same money.


There are two main taxes that relate to investing in the US stock market:

Dividend Tax

People from other countries who invest in the US stock market have to pay a fixed tax of 30% on the money they get from stock dividends. But if you’re from India, the tax you pay is less – it’s 25% – and this is taken out of your money before you get it. If you’ve already paid tax in the US, you can use that to lower the tax you need to pay in India. This is because of a tax agreement between the US and India.

Capital Gains Tax

The US doesn’t make you pay extra tax when you make money from your investments (which is a good thing!). But in India, you have to pay tax on the money you make from investments in other countries. There are two types:

  1. Long-term capital gains (LTCG): If you’ve held onto your investments for more than 2 years, it’s called “long-term.” You pay 20% tax plus some extra charges. But you can adjust for inflation, which can help lower the tax.
  2. Short-term capital gains (STCG): If you’ve held onto your investments for less than 2 years, it’s called “short-term.” The money you make from them gets added to your regular income, and you pay tax as per the normal income tax rules.

Another thing to think about is the new Tax Collected at Source (TCS) rule. If you send more than 7 lakh rupees outside of India in a year, you have to pay 5% TCS. But don’t worry, you can get this money back when you file your taxes at the end of the year. It’s like getting a credit for the tax you paid, so you don’t have to pay extra.


  • Align Investments With Life Goals

What you want to achieve in life matters when you decide where to put your money. If you’re thinking about studying in another country or moving there, your investments should help you do that. For example, if you want to save $50,000 for your child’s education abroad, you should invest your money in a way that helps you reach that goal. This goal-based approach works well with having different kinds of investments, like things related to goods or investing in gold.


Navigating Financial Success

When you decide to invest in the US stock market using the LRS, you need to think about a lot of important things. These include spreading your money across different parts of the world, how money values can change, how taxes work, and making sure your investments match what you want in life. With all this information, you start a journey towards making your money grow, using the US stock market to help you do that and making sure your money stays safe.