Digital Marketing

Overcoming the Fear of Learning New Skills: My Journey in Digital Marketing

Overcoming the Fear of Learning New Skills: My Journey in Digital Marketing

As someone who’s been in digital marketing for a while, I’ve learned that the biggest roadblocks aren’t always about mastering the latest tools or techniques—they’re often about dealing with our own fears. Fear has this sneaky way of making us doubt our abilities, convincing us that some tasks are just too hard to tackle. It’s […]

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AI tools

AI Tools Your Graphic Designers Can Use To Perfect Their Designs

Creating pictures and visuals is very important for advertising, but it can sometimes require a lot of time and money. A study by Piktochart looked at 1,000 business experts and found that 55% of them use pictures and visuals to make their messages more clear to the people they want to reach. On the other

AI Tools Your Graphic Designers Can Use To Perfect Their Designs Read More »

How to Make your Digital Marketing More Inclusive for Neurodivergent Consumers

How to Make your Digital Marketing More Inclusive for Neurodivergent Consumers

Neurodivergent Consumers (those whose brain functions are considered to be “standard”) see the world in ways that are different from neurotypical people. These distinctions apply to both the digital and physical worlds. As a result, a neurodivergent individual could find specific design formats, typefaces, screen layouts, navigational functionalities, colours, content, and images confusing. This often

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