Ali Jaffar Zia


No matter how inexperienced you are with SEO, anybody can start with the following search engine optimization in easy steps and raise their website's ranking quickly.

How To Master Search Engine Optimization In Easy Steps

You should be aware that SEO is a long game. No matter how inexperienced you are with SEO, anybody can start with the following search engine optimization in easy steps and raise their website’s ranking quickly. Well, eventually. A year or longer. You can leave this course having compiled a list of doable tasks to launch your SEO campaign. Search engine optimization in easy steps Step 1: To look for keywords. Step 2: Put keywords in the page title. Step 3: Include keywords in the URL of the page. Step 4: Put keywords in your meta description. Step 5: Put keywords in your H1 text. Step 6: Incorporate keywords into the text of the page. Step 7:Build links to your website. Step 8: Keep an eye on your ranking. 1. Look for keywords. Selecting a list of terms and phrases relevant to your organization is all that is required for keyword research. Please focus on the words that will most likely lead individuals to do the action you want.  Although you can utilize a specialized keyword research tool, it’s best to start by choosing your keywords based on intuition. For you to keep track of, list these keywords in a spreadsheet or document. Select a single word or phrase, and utilize it on just one website page. In other words, you shouldn’t use several keywords on the same page. One term, as well as any keywords it has semantic ties to, should be your focus. 2. Include keyword-rich page titles. It’s time to start using your selected keyword when you’ve decided. The title of your web page should be entered first. The page title is one of the most crucial factors used by Google and other search engines when determining what is on a web page. It appears on your website’s search engine results page (SERPs). Remember that your website title may only have many characters, including your brand name. 3. Include keyword-rich page URLs. Google and other search engines analyze the text of a web page’s URL to identify its content. In the slug, you should utilize your keyword or phrase explicitly. 4. Include keyword-rich meta descriptions. Your website’s meta description may further explain your page to visitors and search engines. Metadata still matters, even if it is less significant than it once was. Please make use of it by inserting your keyword or phrase. The keyword information should concentrate on your keyword or phrase, and the description should be understandable to a human. Make it brief; more often than not, less is more. 5. Include keyword-rich H1 content. The H1 text on your website is often the article title or big, bold text. Because of this, Google and other search engines prioritize the terms in the H1 text. Make sure your phrase or keyword appears there. 6. Include keyword-rich material on the page. Your on-page SEO approach must include your target keywords in the text. Consequently, search engines will be informed that the website is genuinely about the term and should appear in search results. You should employ your keyword somewhere between 4-6 times and 10-12 times, according to “experts.” 7. Create links pointing to your site. Building inbound connections to your website from reputable sites in your sector or niche requires a lot of effort after convincing search engines that your keywords are relevant. One of the most crucial SEO actions you need to do is undoubtedly this. When determining how you rank for specific queries, Google and other search engines consider the quantity and quality of links leading to your website. Linking to you indicates that your website provides reliable, authoritative information on a particular subject. External links to websites in your sector should also be included to further highlight your importance for that keyword. Types Of Content Marketing  8. Check your ranking. Not least, it’s time to evaluate the outcomes of your efforts. Give the search engines a little time (a few weeks to a few months) to do their job, and then keep monitoring your rank to see what has changed and to monitor your progress. Starting with SEO, you may manually verify this rank by doing a Google search for your intended term and utilizing Google Search Console to see your rankings without charge. You may upgrade to an official SEO monitoring tool to track the most relevant keywords and regularly develop tactics to increase your performance since GSC has certain limitations. It would help if you kept an eye on your Google PageRank similarly. To determine how “important” your website is online, Google utilizes your Page Rank. You have a greater chance of being among the top search results if your page rank is higher. You need to evaluate your website as you go along with the monitoring approach.  Google Launches’ Year in Search’ Overview for 2022 ( This SEO guide is Only the First Step in a Long Process Don’t let your education end here. With the help of the methods above, you may begin developing an efficient search engine optimization plan but bear in mind that SEO involves a lot of moving elements and calls for caution, focus, and perseverance. Because of this, several businesses have whole teams devoted to their SEO initiatives. The good thing is that you can plan your future moves without hazarding a guess. Increase the probability that your website will rank on the top page of the SERPs by using our beginning bundle to kickstart your SEO strategies.

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How To Manage An SEO Client?

How To Manage An SEO Client?

How To Manage An SEO Client? Managing an SEO client is not less than an art. You are lucky, and you just managed to hire an SEO client. Now what? How to start? Most individuals fail in managing a newly hired SEO client, and as a result, they run into losing that client.  This article will specify a detailed list of action items you need to perform to get your client in business.  I will break down the entire list into three sections; Preventive, Promotive, and Reporting.   Preventive Activities   This segment is mainly related to clients that are already onboarded, and SEO work is in progress. Perform the following list of items to ensure SEO is in good shape. Site speed check: Check your site speed using GT matric or other online speed check tool. Suppose the loading speed is less than 3 seconds; it’s excellent for SEO. Website loading speed under 5 seconds is also acceptable.  Different browser settings: Check your website on other browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge and ensure a consistent layout. Mobile responsiveness check: Mobile responsivity is a deciding factor in good and bad SEO. Make sure your site is clean and shows appropriately on the mobile screen.  Fix dead links and Errors: Go over your Google Search Console Core Web Vitals and see any new broken links every week. Also, look for any toxic links. If you find any, put them up for removal. Get Backups: Set your schedule to take the backup of your website weekly or bi-weekly. It is critical in case there is a malware attack on your website.  Update wordpress and plugins: Regularly update your WordPress and its plugins. Every now and then, new updates need to be accepted to get the website running in the best condition.  Forms and checkout process functionality: Almost all websites have some contact forms or lead capturing funnels. Ensure that these funnels are working correctly. Google will not rank a site whose contact forms are not working.  Analyzing Search rankings: SEO teams should be looking at search control data almost daily. It tells them what’s working and what’s not. Where they have to focus more and the hurdles in their ranking opportunities.  Promotive Activities   The promotive segment is mainly related to clients already undergoing an SEO campaign.  Publish fresh content: Add new content to the website every week. If you can add two blogs per week, that’s best. Before writing a blog, research the best ranking keywords.  Run PPC Ads: Although you are running an SEO campaign, a side PPC campaign can be of great help. Here’s why. We know that the SEO campaign will take time. In the meantime, if you can kick in with a PPC campaign and produce results for y our clients, that becomes a confidence-boosting environment for the client.  Generate backlinks: Don’t forget to do link building. Guest posting is the best way to generate backlinks.  Reporting Activities   All your hard work goes to waste if it’s not shared with the clients. Share even the tiniest of achievements or stuff you do for your clients. Following is a list of things you can share with an already running client.  Share viral posts with clients: Share the screenshots with the clients if any of your social media posts get good traction.  Share backlink progress with clients: Your backlink reports show the clients that a lot of work is being done at the back end. Share a backlink report every two weeks if possible. Also, share the impact of these backlinks t the site’s domain authority in the long run.  Share Uber suggests keyword rankings: You can use any keyword tool of your choice. Share keyword rank improvements with the client. We use UberSuggest, so we use a directly generated report from uber suggest.  Share improved conversion data: This is the most crucial report of all. As a marketer, you know what matters to your client the most. Let’s say it’s the web leads and phone calls generated from the website. Share a web lead conversion and phone call report with the client daily or weekly.  Report any website changes: Share all web maintenance work you do and any design changes with the clients.  Signing up with an SEO client is not the complete story. Keeping a healthy relationship with the client is even more critical. If the work is not done on time and not reported correctly, a client may disappear in no time.  Have trouble managing an SEO client? If you have questions regarding SEO client management, please feel free to email me at More blogs on SEO: Google March 2022 Update | All You Need To Know Landing Page Quality & What Does It Mean To The PPC Campaign How To Boost Your SEO in 4 Easy Steps Best Digital Marketing Articles To Give A Try In 2022 

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How To Boost Your SEO in 4 Easy Steps

How To Boost Your SEO in 4 Easy Steps

How To Boost Your SEO in 4 Steps – You must think this is one of those articles with essential SEO advice readily available on every second website. You will get it if you are here for some real SEO help. I’ve been in the SEO game for over half a decade. I know a few things which I believe are something worth sharing. Search engine optimization can be a treacherous encounter. Many experts and professionals suffer in getting quick SEO results. In SEO, you are communicating with a machine language. It isn’t easy to talk to an algorithm you cannot see. Your strategy is your best guess to satisfy the secret Google algorithm.   BOOST YOUR SEO WITH THESE EASY TIPS In this article, I share 4 of my quick SEO hacks, which have worked tremendously well over the years. Remember, these SEO hacks will be most helpful after you ensure the basic SEO is done on your website. Here we go! 1 – Be part of the local directories – Even if your campaign is a national-level campaign, you must ensure you are listed among the local directors. This regional recognition will not only help you for local ranking but will also become your business’s identity nationwide. For example, a Utah-based business targeting the entire USA must be listed in Salt Lake City’s local business directories. 2 – Have a fluent user experience –  After the June 2021 Google core update, user experience has become a measurable element in ranking. Go to your Google Search Console account and watch out for the core web vitals, Technical issues, and user experience-related recommendations for your website. 3 – Do not use keyword stuff – If it’s not necessary, do not force the keyword into your content. Be as natural as possible. Don’t be afraid that if you don’t say it in a certain way, the algorithm won’t pick it. Google’s recent updates are so bright that they go by topic and theme structure instead of just counting the number of keywords used. 4 – Use data and statistical content which provides value to the user. Data keeps the user busy. Adding exciting data to your website will hold the user’s eyeballs on the page for a few more seconds. The average time spent on a web page is critical in SEO. Use ideas and numbers which create the topic of the page. If your on-page and off-page activities are running smoothly, follow these additional 4 steps to boost your SEO rapidly. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is optimizing a website to increase its visibility in search engine result pages. It is an essential part of any online marketing strategy and can be the difference between success or failure for a business online. To help you boost your SEO, here are some additional essential tips and tricks that you should consider. Optimize your page titles, descriptions, and URLs. Your page titles should include key phrases related to the content on that page and should be kept as short as possible. Page descriptions should contain key phrases related to the content and be informative enough to attract potential visitors. Lastly, ensure your URL structure is clear and concise, with no unnecessary characters. Utilize meta tags to optimize websites for the best results in search engine result pages. Meta tags are snippets of text used by search engines to understand better what a website is about. Meta tags can include information such as titles, descriptions, keywords, and more—all of which can help increase your website’s visibility in SERPs if adequately optimized for SEO purposes. Use social media platforms as a way to drive traffic toward your site. Social media has become one of the most powerful tools for driving traffic toward a website; however, it can take some effort to utilize it for SEO purposes effectively. Posting regular updates on popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can help draw attention to your website while providing valuable content that visitors will appreciate and share with others who may not have previously heard about you before, then increasing organic visibility from those sources as well. More blogs: A Step-By-Step Guide to LinkedIn Company Page Creation Echo Dot 4th Generation – Smart Speaker With Alexa | Charcoal Uvolox Apex Sneakers Personal Background Check from $19.95 InstaChamp By Mobile Monkey | Only $9.95/Month

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Is SEO a Dying Industry

Is SEO a Dying Industry?

The million-dollar question, ‘Is SEO a Dying Industry”. The short answer is: SEO isn’t dead or dying; it’s evolving. While it is true that Google Ads has changed the game by adjusting its algorithms, they’ve also made it easier to reach target audiences through SEO and paid ads. Before Google entered the scene, your net had to be a lot bigger, and filtering through irrelevant data was more prevalent. Click rates might be going down, but online ‘niche’ marketing is on the rise. Even though it is constantly changing, SEO is here to stay. With an estimated value of nearly 100 billion dollars, SEO remains one of the most important industries in marketing. However, that is not to say the same old strategies will get you the traffic you hope for. The way people search and engage with content has also changed. Now, outdated SEO tactics are sure to tank your online search rankings. Will SEO Exist in 5 Years? SEO may still be alive and kicking, but many marketing tactics and trends have gone the way of the dodo. Making smart changes now can keep your page rankings high and avoid future pitfalls.   Google receives over 77,000 searches per second.   Moving into the future, some smart SEO moves to implement: Relevance and quality are kings. Spamming links all over the web no longer achieves the same impact it once did. Hone the quality of every post you make to keep it relevant and fresh. Stop obsessing over the number one spot. Instead, make sure your tags and keywords reflect your specific niche. Keywords are FAR less important than the value of the information you are promoting. Make your information as pointed and thorough as possible, so your content is the very last the consumer will need. Be the authority on your topic, and it will show.  Is SEO Worth Paying for? Yes! SEO is constantly evolving. To remain ahead of the curve, investing in your business’s SEO is a wise move. Having said that, make sure you spend your hard-earned money wisely by contracting experienced individuals and by seeking proven methods of SEO outreach. Is SEO Better than Google Ads? The point of SEO is to push your site high in organic rankings so that consumers searching for content and services will see what you offer first. On the other hand, Ads allow you to target particular keywords and phrases with a generated ad. People searching for those keywords and phrases will run across your ad if they are in your targeted market area. To argue for one over the other is an exercise in futility. For practical business purposes, they are equally useful tools to help build and promote your brand. How Do You Research A Blog Post? How to grow website traffic with these 5 easy SEO Hacks

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How To Tell If Your SEO Team Is Doing a Good Job or Not?

How To Tell If Your SEO Team Is Doing a Good Job or Not?

SEO teams are beneficial for online growth and exposure. They use various methods to help your website rank on web searches, but do you know if your SEO team is doing a good job, or are they just satisfactory? Since I operate in the same industry, I am exposing some tricks you should keep an eye open for. Let us take a look at some signs. Signs Your SEO Team Is Doing a Good Job Independence Let say you hired an agency for search engine optimization of your website. Your SEO team should generally be independent and are expected to be experts in their field. If they ask amateur questions that you are already aware of being a non-expert, STOP RIGHT THERE. Something is wrong.  They should be able to work on your SEO campaign on their own, without basic directions. Precise, planned, and organized communication is a sign that your team is professional and experienced. If they ask you for resources, it is time to be suspicious. Reporting After a short time, preferably a week or two, your SEO team should report you SEO progress with a detailed game plan. Growth Wait for 3-4 months, and if nothing changes on your Google Console impressions and Clicks, it’s okay to be suspicious. An increased rank is always a good sign. But if your traffic drops, then you should be careful. Good SEO Versus Mediocre SEO Good SEO will always drive traffic to your website with the target keywords you have specified to your agency at the start. If you notice you are enjoying a good rank, but from the wrong keywords, something is wrong with the keywords. To check what specific keywords your web pages rank for, check your website’s Google Webmasters account. Naturally, you will notice that your content has been optimized for a greater chance of ranking highly. Proper use of keywords and backlinks are apparent. Even the images are optimized. Even when you interact with your SEO team, you can tell who is good or not. Good teams will give you all sorts of useful information. On the other hand, bad teams tend to hide their questionable techniques. Do Not Focus Too Much on Traffic Sometimes you will notice that your traffic is going down, but your revenue seems to be increasing. This can be a good thing as the visits now count towards more earnings. A lot of traffic but no revenue only looks good as a pretty graph. Is your site SEO optimized? These are some of the signs your SEO team is doing a good job at driving traffic to your website. We also recommend you learn some of the basics yourself. What do you think about our list?   More blogs related to search engine optimization. Why are backlinks the #1 ranking factor in SEO? 5 Myths About SEO Marketing  

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Why backlinks are the #1 ranking factor in SEO?

Why backlinks are the #1 ranking factor in SEO?

The million-dollar question in the world of digital marketing is that “Why are backlinks the number #1 ranking factor in SEO”? Let’s try and answer it. The Google SEO algorithm is always searching for fresh rating variables, and so far, it has approximately found over two hundred factors that can influence your search rankings. But there might be hundreds more that Google currently uses and which are not public. Fortunately, they don’t have to work on them all. Most have little weight in SEO and are mostly used as tie-breakers rather than signals for rating. What is a ranking factor in SEO? The method of optimizing your website to place as high as possible in organic search engine rankings is search engine optimization (SEO). When discussing search, we use the word “organic” to refer to unpaid search results. This is distinct from ads (or PPC) pay-per-click, which is a technique that relies on attracting paying traffic. Algorithms that consider different features and metrics found relevant by Google; are calculated by both paid and organic rankings on Google, the ranking variables. What are Backlinks? While Google plans to step away from backlinks in the future, they remain the most critical ranking factor for your sites. Except for using black hat SEO tactics is already too dangerous; the connections have to come from several high authority websites equivalent to yours. Also, some Google patents claim that essential backlink metrics might also be freshness and traffic. What Does The 2020 Google Page Experience Update Mean To The Websites? By crawling and indexing numerous pieces of content on your website, search engines work. As a signal that allows them to interpret and properly index this material, the crawlers use internal connections. The word “internal links” applies to any hyperlink within your website, leading to an internal tab. I say that backlinks are the most critical ranking factor right now because it is tested and tried. Yes, I have seen hundreds of clients over the years whose SEO was boosted after providing a specific number of backlinks. Even if there are any more hidden reasons that backlinks are the #1 ranking factor, let them be, and let’s focus on creating more of these gold bricks. While you do, remember, the website’s domain authority and relevancy from where the backlink is coming from decides how powerful and effective the backlink will be for your website. Interested in more SEO Blogs? Read this – 5 Myths About SEO Marketing Digital Maxima can help increase your website’s Google ranking in a couple of months. Get in touch with SEO Specialists.  

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5 Myths About SEO Marketing

5 Myths About SEO Marketing

SEO is a fantastic way to boost your presence and performance online, especially for eCommerce and other businesses. However, there are some fairly common myths about SEO marketing that refuse to die out. Today we will both examine them and debunk them. Myth one: Keywords do not matter anymore They still do. Even if Google Hummingbird changed searching, properly optimized content still ranks highly. Instead, search intent is what makes or breaks the SEO strategy. By knowing the intent, you can then optimize your content to provide answers to search questions. Myth two: Only top-level domains win This is not always true. Domains that end in .com and .net are very common, and that is why you see more of them. However, even websites with strange extensions can perform well. All they need is a good SEO strategy. Myth three: Guest-posting is useless If you think about it, this can not be true. Whether a blog post comes from the website owner or is written by a freelancer, good content is good content. It is poorly written content that Google penalizes. Google Panda will always punish poorly optimized articles. Myth four: Keyword stuffing delists website Not true. There might be a reason why a keyword appears so much, such as a research paper. What is more important is user experience, especially after Google announced new updates. Sprinkle your content with keywords appropriately, and you will be fine. Myth five: Everything has to be fresh This myth is easily debunked. Some websites cater to a narrow niche but still rank highly in search. While Google does like fresh content, this only affects news websites. Marketers do not have to worry. Avoiding the Most Common Myths about SEO Marketing Are you guilty of believing these myths about SEO marketing? Do not worry — now you know better, and you can avoid falling for them in the future. To help offset it, you can share what you learned with others. This can prevent the spread of misinformation so that everyone can benefit. You May Also Like To Read – Why is Digital Marketing Education So Critical from 2021 to 2025?  

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Introduction to SEO Writing for Blog Writers

Introduction to SEO Writing for Blog Writers

SEO Writing for Blog Writers – Have to start from somewhere! SEO writing for blog writers is about achieving their goals to create content that ranks well with Google and also has the ability to persuade people. Honestly speaking, with the ever evolving Google algorithms, this is not an easy task. Every little detail matters when you are working for SEO writing. You are building a brand with your words. An SEO writer fights at multiple fronts while composing his article. The detailing of the SEO optimization includes the right keyword, the heading sizes, the use of LSI, and many more aspects. For beginners, you need to learn one thing at a time, master it, and then use it to create people-friendly and attention seeking writings. Some important elements for beginners to consider for SEO writing are: Heading sizes: The different heading sizes range from h1 to h6. use the following sizes for the title, sib section, and subheadings.       H1 subheading: title       H2 subheading: subsection       H3 subheading: subheading within a subsection The last three heading sizes are less used because they are rarely needed The articles are generally covered using the first three main headings. Primary and secondary keywords: You need to learn to optimize your article with the primary keywords for SEO Writing as an SEO Writer. Primary keywords are the most important ones and are used frequently throughout the whole document. Secondary sources are also important and are called LSI terms. This tells Google that you have thoroughly written your work. Google is the best site to search for your LSI terms.  LSI Keywords: What are They and Do They Matter? Meta description: Add your keyword in the meta description to increase your chances of ranking in Google. This helps you set up keyword targeted pages that consistently rank on the top when anyone searches for the specific work. For guidance and motivation to SEO Writing, reach out to me anytime.  

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